FAQ : Domain

A domain name, a series of textual characters that identifies a specific IP address, uniquely identifies a website on the Internet. Domain names locate businesses, organizations, or other entities on the Internet. Domain names are easy to remember, easy to type alternatives to obscure URL's that you receive with free website hosting services. Using a domain name allows you to receive more visitors, less bounced emails, and the chance to make a lasting impression on the Web.
A great benefit of using your domain name is that regardless of how many times you change your access provider, your Email and website address will always remain the same.

Rediffmail Pro registers your domain name through Network Solutions, a renowned registrar accredited by Internets governing organisation called ICANN.
The personal contact information you provided when you placed your order was used to designate the registrant and administrative contacts for your domain name. As required by ICANN, this information is publicly available.
Records of all domain names registered by our registrar, Network Solutions are maintained in Network Solutions public WHOIS database. The information includes registrant, administrator, technical contact and name server information as well as record creation, update and expiration dates. You can view and edit your WHOIS data through your Domain Control Panel. All domain registration information is available to the public through many publicly accessible WHOIS interfaces.

Once you have purchased a domain name with Redpanchi, Rediffmail Pro you cannot change it. If you wish to discontinue the domain name you purchased you should refrain from renewing it when it expires and just buy another domain.

When you choose a web address or a domain name for your business you actually put up your business online and make your business accessible to millions of customers all over the world. Your customers use your domain name (www.yourdomain.com) to find your business online, order your products or services or contact you, which means more business. And you send and receive messages from the email business solutions package linked to your domain name. If you just recently signed up with Rediffmail Pro for your Domain, it may still not be active across the Internet or if you are using a domain name registered elsewhere then changes to your name server settings may not yet have taken effect. After registration, a new domain usually takes 24 to 48 hours to get activated.

With Rediffmail Pro you can send attachments up to 25 MB in size.

A renewal notice will be sent to you one month before the date of expire of your domain.

Yes. You can change the registrant information of a Domain Name. As per Rediff's policies, keeping the domain name registrant information updated is important to enjoy continued services of your domain.

While a domain name is not necessary to have a website, it is recommended. Whether you are creating a family website or a business website, having a domain name allows your site to be more easily found and remembered.

If you need a domain name right now, you could register alternate domains. Consider registering alternate domain name extensions, such as .cc, .to, .co.uk, .biz, .us, etc. Also, try variations of your name, including hyphens.

Your domain name is registered in 24 to 48 hours, provided the registration form is filled out correctly.

Be VERY careful when registering your domain name. Once you purchase your domain, the order is non-refundable.

Your domain name is registered in your name. So long as it has active DNS entries, all the required fees are paid and it's not in breach of any law, nobody else can either use it or take it without your consent.

Call us at 9707252727 or email us at support@redpanchi.in. We will be glad to solve your queries.